Farm Biosecurity has released a very useful free guide for management of mosquitos around horses.
Agriculture Victoria Media Release: Japanese Encephalitis
Warnings of an increasing risk of animal disease outbreaks.
Disease outbreaks aren’t something that only the pig, poultry and beef industries need to be aware of.
The incidence of African Horse Sickness in Thailand last year shows that us that as horse owners we need to remain informed and vigilant.
The AHIC works closely with Animal Health Australia to help spread the word of the importance of bio-security for the horse industry.
“Peace time preparedness is so important. The horse industry and horse owners, cannot be complacent. Compared to other countries we are blessed with the low incidence of serious equine diseases and we need to work together to ensure this remains the case” said Mark Burnell, President of the AHIC.
ABC Landline today (Sunday) at 1230 on ABC (and later on iview) will feature more on this story from ABC Rural.